E-learning barriers in the United Arab Emirates: preliminary results from an empirical investigation

E-learning is relatively new to the United Arab Emirates. Most tertiary institutions have allocated ICT resources to provide alternatives to the previously used teacher-centred “chalk and talk” approach to learning and teaching. However we have not yet developed a comprehensive understanding of the application of e-learning methods and resources in the tertiary education sector in the UAE. This paper describes a collaborative research project which empirically investigated the perceived barriers to e-learning for students studying at tertiary institutions in the UAE using an online questionnaire. The paper analyses the associations between e-learning barriers and students’ age and gender. The ease of use, usefulness and satisfaction with e-learning are also examined in relation to e-learning barriers. The preliminary research findings presented here will inform faculty who are integrating technology in their teaching and the tertiary institutions encouraging the use of e-learning as an integral part of the learning environment.