Control foranInnovative Robotics Platform ofRinsing System forVehicles ofUrbanMassTransit
Thetractor-model washing systemisusually usedinthetechnical process ofmaintenance forthevehicles inurbanmasstransit systemanditsefficiency islower. On thebasisofstudyandinvestigation, a self-traction model system hasbeendeveloped. After avehicle setisdriven byits motorstogothrough thewashing section andthetrainset stopped atcertain place, themobilerobotic platform will movetothevehicle setbyits twopropulsive wheels driven by VVVF (variable speedandvariable voltage) inverter. The washing motionofshape-adaptation andthesynchronized drive ofrobotic platform areimplemented byneutral cell self adaptive algorithm and Cross-Coupling Control(CCC) algorithm. A variable quantity watercontrol algorithm is designed forthegoalofenergy-saving andwater-saving. Several-year actualrunningshowsthatitcan work effectively anddurably. IndexTerms-Automatic washing system forurbanmass transit vehicles; self-traction; robotic mobile platform
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