This paper presents an analysis of the frame ALOHA scheme in the multiple-access broadcasting channel with the capture effect, which has not been taken into consideration in past analysis. First, the transmission-success rate, together with its expectation and variance, are determined, which indicate the basic performance of the group with various capture rates. The case is discussed where the capture rate is physically limited. Then two optimization problems are considered to maximize the number of terminals with access success. The first approach considers only a particular group, and a necessary condition is derived for the optimization of that group. Second, the performance of the whole system is improved, and the optimum solution is derived for the group assignment from the viewpoint of the capture rate. Finally, a discussion is made based on the numerical example, and it is shown that a higher throughput than in the past is realized in the multiple-access broadcasting transmission with capture effect. Furthermore, it is shown that a higher performance is realized if all terminals are optimized utilizing the capture effect.
J. Metzner,et al.
On Improving Utilization in ALOHA Networks
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Aleksander T. Kozlowski.
A Nonslotted Random-Access Channel with Higher Utilization
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W. Szpankowski.
Analysis and Stability Considerations in a Reservation Multiaccess System
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F. Schoute,et al.
Dynamic Frame Length ALOHA
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Israel Cidon,et al.
The Effect of Capture on Collision-Resolution Algorithms
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