Laser cooling of trapped ions with polarization gradients.

Laser cooling of a single trapped ion with Zeeman substructure below the Doppler limit is considered theoretically. The laser field consists of two counterpropagating beams linearly polarized in different directions, and the internal atomic transition is ${\mathit{J}}_{\mathit{g}}$=1/2\ensuremath{\rightarrow}${\mathit{J}}_{\mathit{e}}$=3/2. The ion is assumed to be localized to spatial dimensions smaller than the optical wavelength (Lamb-Dicke limit) and placed at a specific position with respect to the laser beams. Under the assumption that the rate for optical pumping between the atomic ground states defines the smallest time constant in the system, analytic expressions for the final energy and the cooling rates are derived, with both a semiclassical and a full quantum treatment. The results show that laser cooling of a trapped ion using polarization gradients leads to very low energies. These energies are insensitive to the precise localization of the ion with respect to the lasers, the angle between the direction of the polarizations of the laser beams, and the detuning of the cooling laser.