Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks

The architecture introduced in this paper learns a mapping function G : X 7→ Y using an adversarial loss such thatG(X) cannot be distinguished from Y , whereX and Y are images belonging to two separate domains. The algorithm also learns an inverse mapping function F : Y 7→ X using a cycle consistency loss such that F (G(X)) is indistinguishable from X. Thus, the architecture contains two Generators and two Discriminators. However, the major aspect in which this implementation truly shines is that it does not require the X and Y pairs to exist, i.e. image pairs are not needed to train this model. This is highly beneficial as such pairs are not necessarily always available or tend to be expensive monetarily. An application of this could be used in movies, where, if a movie crew was unable to shoot a scene at a particular location during the summer season and it is now winter, the movie crew can now shoot the scene and use this algorithm to generate scenes which look like they were shot during the summer. Other areas in which this algorithm can be applied include image enhancement, image generation from sketches or paintings, object transfiguration, etc. The algorithm proves to be superior to several prior methods.

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