Qualitative Analysis on Airport Check In Capacity in Malaysia: Case of Northern Region (NR) International Airport

The rise of air transport demand resulting to the increase need to enhance airport facility especially on check in counter capacity. This paper brings up the issue of existing customer experience of check in counter performance at one of the busiest international airport in Malaysia. This study aims to achieve two research objectives, to explore factors contribute to the need for expansion at check in area and to identify possible solution to overcome bottleneck at check in counter area. Qualitative methodology has been adopted in this study with utilizing semi structured interview, observation and document review as a main method for data collection. Thematical analysis has been performed in developing key themes to develop rich understanding on the issue discussed. Credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability has been embraced in this study to ensure trustworthiness of the key findings. Findings suggest four key factor for check in expansion decision and propose three possible solutions to overwhelmed holdup at the check in counter. This study enhances current understanding on airport capacity and offer salient practical implication to the practitioner on both national and economic expansion decision. This study could also be a key reference for policy maker for future planning of international airport in Malaysia and neighbor country.