Principles of System Identification: Theory and Practice [Bookshelf]

The book is up-to-date in the field of system identification. It contains a large amount of code and references to the Matlab System Identification Toolbox. With the book being so thick, it may seem overwhelming to contemplate using it as a textbook for a single, introductory, one-semester course on system identification. However, in the preface, the author does provide some helpful suggestions on which sections to use for a beginner course and which to use for a more advanced course. Nevertheless, the book will serve as an excellent reference for students and instructors alike looking to learn about the field. I make this latter statement because what the author has bravely attempted to do with this book is to create a onestop resource for system identification. The focus of the book is on discrete-time, linear time invariant, open-loop identification. The structure of the book is hierarchical but also very accessible at different places, depending on the reader’s background. The book contains 26 chapters divided into five parts.