Integration of CAD/CAM : proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.2/WG 5.3 Working Conference on Integration of CAD/CAM, Gaussig, near Dresden, GDR, 8-10 November, 1983

Basic Problems of the Integration of CAD/CAM. Fundamental aspects on systems of integrated information processing for manufacturing (D. Kochan, H.-J. Jacobs, W. Voelkner). Integrated CAD/CAM systems as coming stage of machinery production automation process (Zd. Kozar, J. Prokop). Integrated Systems in Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. ARCADE - an Architecture for CAD in Electronics (J. Vlietstra). Computer internal representation of products for the integration of design and technological planning (G. Spur, L. Krause, E. Pistorius). Hardware, Software and Methodological Support. Experiences and problems of implication of standardized graphic I/0 software (M. Mikut). A reference model for components and interfaces of a CAD-system (J. Encarnacao et al.). Rigour and permissiveness in the design of CAD/CAM systems - the theory and practice of a methodology (P. Bernus). Technological Process Modelling. Description of methods for computer aided process determination on throughout integrated systems - description of the program system RATIBERT. Free Form Shapes - an integrated CAD/CAM system (G. Hermann). A study on product modelling for integration of CAD/CAM (F. Kimura et al.). Integration in Experimental Work and Flexible Manufacturing. Manufacturing system based on distributed intelligence cell concept (A. Krizsan, G. Haidegger, S. Nagy). Automated processing of experimental results for primary data centers for optimization of cutting conditions (H.-J. Jacobs, K. Steudner).