Analysis of family‐wise error rates in statistical parametric mapping using random field theory

This technical report revisits the analysis of family‐wise error rates in statistical parametric mapping—using random field theory—reported in (Eklund et al. [ ]: arXiv 1511.01863). Contrary to the understandable spin that these sorts of analyses attract, a review of their results suggests that they endorse the use of parametric assumptions—and random field theory—in the analysis of functional neuroimaging data. We briefly rehearse the advantages parametric analyses offer over nonparametric alternatives and then unpack the implications of (Eklund et al. [ ]: arXiv 1511.01863) for parametric procedures. Hum Brain Mapp, 40:2052–2054, 2019. © 2017 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.