Korea has high quality level of ICT Technologies, however it still have a long way to go before invigoration of ICT in agriculture industry. The government of Korea supply to agriculture ICT systems, however these are the enclosed type and insufficient the level of connectivity, compatibility, and integrity between ICT systems. Farmers can not share crop information and one system can not use with others in combination. Recently, IoT(Internet of Things) become popular to emphasize the vision of a global internet and ICT industry. The IoT is a critical technology that leads future internet generation. We believe that IoT will change status of agriculture industry and appearance of various agriculture business model. Using IoT technology is provided a platform of opportunities to optimize work processes and efficient use of energy, time and labour in farm. It can automatically control temperature, humidity, sunshine system and so on for optimal growth conditions at greenhouse and plant factory. Growth setting can even be controlled and monitored crop condition and disease by a smartphone app or PC. It is possible to improve quality of farming and farm product. We suggest that construction of IoT platform through open API in agriculture industry.