The Active Role of the Ocean in Transient Climate Sensitivity

12 Transient climate sensitivity has been shown to be influenced by the changing pattern of 13 SST and Ocean Heat Uptake (OHU), which in turn have been attributed to ocean circula14 tion changes. A set of novel experiments are performed to isolate the active role of the ocean 15 by comparing a fully-coupled CO2-quadrupling CESM simulation against a partially-coupled 16 one, where the effect of the ocean circulation change and its impact on surface fluxes are dis17 abled. The active OHU is the main factor responsible for the reduced transient climate sen18 sitivity and weaker surface warming response in the fully-coupled simulation. The passive 19 OHU excites qualitatively similar feedbacks to CO2 forcing in a slab ocean model configu20 ration due to the similar SST spatial pattern response in both experiments. Additionally, the 21 non-unitary forcing efficacy of the active OHU (1.7) explains the very different net feedback 22 parameters in the fully-and partially-coupled responses. 23