Holistically Evaluating the Reliability of NDE Systems-Paradigm Shift

New methodologies for evaluating the reliability of NDE systems are discussed in accordance with the specific requirements of industrial application. After a review of the substantive issues from the previous decades, the go forward guidance is concluded. For high safety demands a quantitative probability of detection (POD) created from hit miss experiments or signal response analysis and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) are typically created. The modular model distinguishes between the influence of pure physics and technique, industrial application factors and the human factor and helps to learn what factors are covered by modelling, open or blind trials. A new paradigm is offered to consider the POD or reliability of the system as a function of the configuration of input variables and use it for optimisation rather than for a final judgement. New approaches are considered dealing with real defects in a realistic environment, affordable but precisely like the Bayesian approach or model assisted methods. Among the influencing parameters, the human factor is of high importance. A systematic psychological approach helps to find out where the bottlenecks are and shows possibilities for improvement.