전농ㆍ답십리지구 뉴타운 개발기본계획 수립과정상에 나타난 쟁점사항과 정책추진 특성 분석

The purpose of this study was to examine the distinctive features and the complement of the Kangbuk, Seoul Newtown Project. This was done by tracing the mediation process of the JeonnongㆍDapsimni, Seoul Newtown Project while it was devising a basic plan. The reference point of this study was the proceedings of the MA (Master Architect) conference, which was disputed on JeonnongㆍDapsimni Newtown Project. The results of this study were as follows; the JeonnongㆍDapsimni , Seoul Newtown Project became a mutation of the pre-existing urban redevelopment project without an in-depth discussion among the subjects (MA team, a local autonomous entity, and a private development enterprise). Because of an ambiguous role definition among the subjects and centralization of the right to decide a plan and policy to City government of Seoul, confrontation between them developed while devising a basic plan of the JeonnongㆍDapsimni, Seoul Newtown Project.