머신비젼을 이용한 크림솔더상에 장착된 SMD의 검사시스템 개발에 관한 연구

This paper presents the development of the Inspection machine for SMD mounted on cream solder of PCB There are mounting errors of SMD such as misalignment, missing part, wrong orientation, wrong polanty and so on The main hardware of the system consists of a machme vision part and a motion control part. Operating software has been developed in GUI environment to help user convenience. The Inspection Jobs consist of two procedures, that is, creation of the inspection reference data and automatic Inspection The Inspection reference data has a tree structure of linked list Including PCB information, blocks, components, windows, and Inspection methods This paper presents versatile inspection methods which include a section length method, a projection method and histogram method Therefore, user can choose the suitable procedure for various components Finally, the automatic Inspection procedure using the ieference data checks the mounting errors of components