Linearization of the matched field processing approach to acoustic tomography

This paper continues the approach presented in Tolstoy et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89, 1119–1127 (1991)] but offers a much improved inversion technique, i.e., a linearization of the problem which reformats the computations in terms of a simple nonsquare matrix inversion for an overdetermined system. This work was motivated by the desire to improve upon the speed and accuracy of the original algorithm that had a tendency to stall unpredictably [Tolstoy and Frazer, in Computational Acoustics, edited by D. Lee, A. Cakmak, and R. Vichnevetsky (North‐Holland, Amsterdam, 1991)]. This work has the additional bonus that sound‐speed accuracies are now an order of magnitude better than the earlier technique. In addition, calculations confirm that for simulations with white, Gaussian, uncorrelated noise the linear/Bartlett processor results are identical to those of the minimum‐variance/Capon processor. Finally, optimal source–receiver configurations have been determined by exhaustively computing the condition numbe...