Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics

Chaotic responses in two degree-of-freedom systems with 1:2 internal resonances by B. Banerjee and A. K. Bajaj Robust numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for second order dynamical systems under parametric and external white noise excitations by L. A. Bergman, B. F. Spencer, S. F. Wojtkiewicz, and E. A. Johnson Stochastic stability of systems with random properties by C. Bucher Oil whirl and oil whip, nonlinear limit-cycle phenomena by S. H. Crandall A basic explanation of homoclinic intersection in the twin-well duffing oscillator by E. H. Dowell and A. L. Katz Stability of superimplicit numerical methods for stochastic differential equations by N. Hofmann and E. Platen Response statistics of nonlinear systems to parametric filtered white noise by R. A. Ibrahim and Y. J. Yoon On robustness of some concepts in stability of stochastic differential equations by R. Z. Khasminskii Prediction of natural frequency and buckling load variability due to uncertainty in material properties by convex modeling by Y. W. Li, I. Elishakoff, J. H. Starnes, and M. Shinozuka Some results related to failure of stochastic structural systems by Y. Lin and G. Q. Cai Chaotic motion in a rotating body with internal energy dissipation by P. A. Meehan and S. F. Asokanthan Numerics for Lyapunov exponents of hypoelliptic linear stochastic systems by V. Wihstutz Vibration mode localization in large randomly disordered continuous beams by W.-C. Xie and S. T. Ariaratnam.