Common rail 디젤엔진에서 오일소모 기여도 분석 및 오일소모 저감에 관한 실험적 연구
This paper is Analysis of LOC Contribution and Reduction of LOC in a Common-rail Direct Injection Diesel Engine. The determination of lube oil consumption in a modern combustion engine is extremely important, as strict regulations call for reduction of hazardous exhaust emissions. The focus of Engine research and development is on Reducing the LOC. but The influence of LOC is To much parameter. The study was done to reval the trend of LOC with Bore Honing Quality, Piston ring modification and Compounding of Piston-Piston ring. It is a following experiment to analysis of LOC Contribution, 1. Influence of LOC by Engine running Effect, 2. Influence of LOC by Engine running Condition, 3. Influence of LOC by Cylinder Bore Honing Quality, 4. Influence of LOC by Piston ringpack compounding, 5. Influence of LOC by Piston ring modification This study will show Test result to possibilities for the optimal design and Automotive part.