Large Eddy Simulation of Bluff Body Stabilised Turbulent Premixed Flames
Flow calculations for a premixed flame behind a bluff body flame holder using a conventional finite difference code with a standard k-e turbulence model have been found to give poor predictions of the overall flow field. A major factor is believed to be the inadequately modelled large scale turbulence in the wake region. In order to improve the numerical prediction capability a large eddy simulation (LES) technique, which has recently given very good predictions for the non-reacting flow around the same flame holder, has been extended to handle reacting flow. This paper presents a combustion model which considers the influence of turbulence on the effective chemical reaction rates and which is adapted to the LES framework. The combustion model is of the “eddy dissipation type” previously developed by Magnussen.The present flow simulation code has been applied on the premixed bluff body flow case and results are compared with measurement data from gas analysis, LDA (Laser Doppler Anemometry) and CARS techniques. Significant improvements in the overall predictions are demonstrated even on a coarse mesh.Copyright © 1993 by ASME