Live demonstration: Curating multi-domain investigations of electrochemical sensors for healthcare applications with a flexible hardware-software platform
A software package will be demonstrated for designing, organizing, and executing sophisticated real-world sensor interrogation protocols, archiving and annotating collected data, and performing differential analysis of experimental results. Users may describe the steps and components of an electronic experiment in abstract terms and may save and share protocol templates for later specialization and reuse. Once sufficiently specialized, an experiment may be executed on real hardware, yielding an organized and metadata-rich set of results tailored to the users' specifications. Results may be inspected at many degrees of detail, annotated, and compared with the outcomes of related experiments. Researchers can use this system to raise confidence in their conclusions, diagnose methodological problems, share their work, and determine new avenues of investigation. The presented framework is flexible enough to improve the automation and reproducibility of many sensor characterization tasks. During the demonstration, the system will be used to run a real protocol related to the authors' target application, namely electrochemical gas sensing for environmental health monitoring.