Suppose that in a system of asynchronous parallel processes, certain pairs of processes mutually exclude one another (must not be in their critical sections simultaneously). This situation is modeled by a graph in which each process is represented by a vertex and each mutually excluding pair is represented by an edge. Henderson and Zalcstein have observed that if this graph is a threshold graph, then mutual exclusion can be managed by simple entrance and exit protocols using ${\bf PV}$-chunk operations on a single shared variable whose possible values range from zero to t, the minimal threshold separator number of the graph. A new expression is given for this separator t of a threshold graph in terms of the normal decomposition of the threshold graph given by Zalcstein and Henderson. It is shown that $t + 1$ values would be needed in the shared variable even if the mutual exclusion were being managed by the Fischer-Lynch test-and-set operator, which is considerably less restrictive than ${\bf PV}$-chunk.
Edsger W. Dijkstra,et al.
Solution of a problem in concurrent programming control
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On the advantages of free choice: a symmetric and fully distributed solution to the dining philosophers problem
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Algorithmic graph theory and perfect graphs
Toby Bloom,et al.
Evaluating synchronization mechanisms
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Aggregation of inequalities in integer programming.
Nancy A. Lynch,et al.
Data Requirements for Implementation of N-Process Mutual Exclusion Using a Single Shared Variable