De Novo Onset of Parkinson's Disease After Antidepressant Treatment With Citalopram

stantia nigra and striatum [1]. While this interaction is of obvious importance for the understanding of the actions of antipsychotics, the serotoninergic inhibition of dopamine release can also ± although rarely ± lead to dopaminergic side-effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) [1, 2]. A variety of extrapyramidal symptoms, ranging from tremor to dystonic reactions, from akathisia-like syndromes to parkinsonian symptoms have been described, with this phenomenon occurring in approx. 1/1000 individuals treated with SSRIs [2]. It is unclear whether the fact that some SSRIs (e.g. sertraline) also show intrinsic dopaminergic properties [3] has some influence on this phenomenon.