comment Functional procedure nielin, of the integer type, solves a system of simultaneous nonlinear algebraic or trans-cendental equations. Let us consider a given system of n equations with n variables: A kth approximation of the solution of the system (1) is supposed to be given: Yo (~) = (y~), y~), ..-, y~)). (2) If for every i, Ifi(Yo(~))[ < e, (3) where e > 0 is a given number, then the approximation (2) is considered as a solution of the system (1), otherwise a further approximation is calculated. Let h (k) > 0 be given and construct the n new points: For every function of the system (1) a new interpolating polynomial of the first order is constructed on the points (2) and (4) such that: w,(y~k)) = f, A solution of the linear system: wi(y~ , y2 , "'', Y,) = O, i = 1, 2, "', n, (6) is used as the (kT1)-th successive approximation. The special choice of the interpolation points (2) and (4) assures existence and uniqueness of the interpolating poly-nomials wi (5). Namely, the kth approximation has for the ith function the form: n w,(~> (Y) = /,(r2)) + ~ g~(yj-y~(~)' j, (7) i-1 where g~) = (f,(y]k)) _ f,(y~))/h(k). The solution of the system (6) where w~ is given by (7) can be written in the form (see [2]): y(~+l) = y~k) _ (1/a(k))z~) X h Ck), i = 1, 2, ..., n, (9) where z (~) = (z~ k), z~ (k), ..., z(= k)) is a solution of the following linear system: n ~f~(y(k))
William M. McKeeman.
Algorithm 198: adaptive integration and multiple integration
J. Rice,et al.
A comparison of some numerical integration programs
James N. Lyness.
The Effect of Inadequate Convergence Criteria in Automatic Routines
Comput. J..
James N. Lyness,et al.
Notes on the Adaptive Simpson Quadrature Routine
W. M. McKeeman,et al.
Algorithm 145: Adaptive numerical integration by Simpson's rule
Communications of the ACM.