Managing complex governance systems: dynamics, self-organization and coevolution in public investments

List of Figures. List of Tables. List of Maps. Preface. 1. An Introduction to Understanding and Managing Complex Process Systems. Geert R. Teisman, Lasse Gerrits, Arwin Van Buuren. 2. Complexity Theory and Public Administration: A Critical Appraisal. Erik-Hans Klijn, Ig Snellen. 3. Approaches to Researching Complexity in Public Management. Jean-Marie Buijs, Jasper Eshuis, David Byrne. 4. Appearances and Sources of Process Dynamics the Case of Infrastructure Development in the UK and the Netherlands. Geert R. Teisman, Eddy Westerveld, Marcel Hertogh. 5. Non-Linear Dynamics in Port Systems: Change Events at Work. Marcel Van Gils, Lasse Gerrits, Geert R. Teisman. 6. Metropolitan Regions as Self-Organizing Systems. Jean-Marie Buijs, Nancy Van Der Bol, Geert R. Teisman, David Byrne. 7. The Complexity of Self-Organization: Boundary Judgments in Traffic Management. Bonno Pel. 8. Coevolution: A Constant in Non-Linearity. Lasse Gerrits, Peter Marks, Arwin Van Buuren. 9. Public Policy-Making and the Management of Coevolution. Arwin Van Buuren, Lasse Gerrits, Peter Marks. 10. Managing Complex Process Systems: Surviving at the Edge of Chaos. Jurian Edelenbos, Erik-Hans Klijn, Michiel Kort. 11. Dealing with Complexity through Trust and Control. Jurian Edelenbos, Jasper Eshuis. 12. Complexity Theory and Evolutionary Public Administration: A Sceptical Afterword. Christopher Pollitt. 13. Towards an Approach of Evolutionary Public Management. Frank Boons, Arwin Van Buuren, Lasse Gerrits, Geert R. Teisman. Contributors. Notes. Index.