derived fromthelack offace tofaceinteraction, thetime difference betweendifferent sites andthecultural Global software development projects havetodeal with a diversity ofstakeholders, whicharetypical ofdistributed variety ofchallenges withrespect tocommunication and environments [8]. control. Forthisreason, processes thatarecruciallyThere areseveral research areas that haveattempted to based oncommunication, suchasrequirement elicitation, find solutions tocommunication problems inworkgroups. havetobespecially rethought tominimize criticalOneofthemisComputer-Supported Cooperative Work situations. Asrequirement elicitation isahuman-centred (CSCW)whichfocuses onproviding technology to process, wepropose using techniques fromthefield of enable communication, andalso analyzes humanbehavior cognitive psychology todefine anewapproach towards it. whenworkingina group.AnotherisCognitive Inshort, weintend toreduce problems incommunicationInformatics, aninterdisciplinar y area that applies concepts byselecting a suiteofelicitation techniques and frompsychology andothercognitive sciences to groupware tools, according tostakeholders'preference in improving processes inengineering disciplines, suchas styles. Inthis article weintroduce ourapproach andshow informatics, computing, andsoftware engineering [7, 20]. thegeneration process ofa setofpreference rules of Sinceourmaingoalistoenhance interpersonal groupware tools. communication ingeographically distributed teams, concepts frombothareas will beused. Ontheonehand, peoplewho are workingat various different