Ontology Driven Dynamic Linking of Biology Resources

Biologists were early adopters of the Web and continue to use it as the primary means of delivering data, tools and knowledge to their community. The Web is made by the links between pages, yet these links have many limitations: they are static and maintained by hand; they can only link one lexical item to another single resource; ownership is necessary for the placement of link anchors and the link mechanism is essentially inflexible. Dynamic linking services, supported by ontologies, offer a mechanism to overcome such restrictions. The Conceptual Open Hypermedia Service (COHSE) system enhances web resources through the dynamic addition of hypertext links. These links are derived through the use of an ontology and associated lexicon along with a mapping from concepts to possible link targets. We describe an application of COHSE to Bioinformatics, using the Gene Ontology (GO) as an ontology and associated keyword mappings and GO associations as link targets. The resulting demonstrator (referred to here as GOHSE) provides both glossary functionality and the possibility of building knowledge based hypertext structures linking bioinformatics resources.