SWIDE: semantic web integrated development environment

Ontology is a specification of conceptualization. This paper introduces an environment to develop semantic web applications. This environment integrates a lot of tools such as an editing capability, logic reasoner and semantic search engine. Design and implementation of a generalized ontology editor is presented in this paper through which the user may create, edit, validate, open, search (local and global), or visualize an ontology or an instance file. The user may edit an instance to be stored either in a RDF/XML file, OWL/XML, xml knowledge base or other formats. The user may present the ontology hierarchy and the knowledge base in a tabular form. The environment provides an interface through which the user may consult the knowledge base by SQL-like statements. It also allows the user to map ontology to another. It also introduces the virtualization concept providing a mechanism to categorize the ontology instances based on given ontology features. It also provides logic reasoner so we may check the truth of an instance against a specific knowledge base. A semantic search engine is also available either locally or globally.