Implantable CPW fed Z-shaped antenna for ISM band

In this paper, CPW fed Z-shaped antenna design is proposed for medical in-body wireless communications. The antenna has a simple structure with low profile and is placed on human tissues like Muscle, Fat and Skin. The designed antenna is made compatible for implantation by embedding it in an alumina ceramic substrate. The impedance matching characteristics have been analyzed both in free space as well as on body surface. The projected antenna is simulated using the method of moment's software IE3D by assuming the predetermined dielectric constant for the human muscle tissue, fat and skin. The antenna works in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM Bands, 2.45GHz). Simulated maximum gain attains −14dBi in the frequency of 2.45GHz. The radiation pattern, return loss, VSWR, Z-parameter and current distribution of these antennas were simulated and analyzed.