Effect of Blood Ordering and Input with using the Blood Information Sharing System (BISS) of the Korean RedCross
Background: Generally, a hospital blood bank orders blood components from the Korean RedCross with using a telephone. Persons in a blood bank are required to do lots of work and labor, and spend much time during handling, processing and storage of blood components, and this is irrespective of simple procedure. To improve blood bank work, we used the BISS at the Korean RedCross with using the internet. Methods: The orders for the blood components were saved on an excel file with using BISS. After we got the blood components, we classified and counted the blood components and interfaced the data of the excel file to blood bank laboratory information system (LIS), and these components were stored at the proper sites. We compared the blood bank work before and after introducing the BISS. Results: Using BISS saved 154.3 hour and it increased 5,607 irregular antibody screening tests per year. It also prevented bar code reading errors and reduced the workers' personal stress. Conclusion: The input process of blood and the blood bank work were effectively improved after introducing the BISS. (Korean J Blood Transfusion 18(1) : 49∼55, 2007)