Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A Toolbox for Prototype Development

Introduction Development of A Successful Product Product Prototyping and Its Impact Product Prototyping and Product Development Product Prototyping Prototype Planning and Management Product and Prototype Cost Estimation Prototype Design Methods Prototype Design Tools Paper Prototyping Learning from Nature Modeling and Virtual Prototyping Mathematical Modeling Modeling of Physical Systems Product Modeling Using Commercial Software for Virtual Prototyping Virtual Reality and Virtual Prototyping Materials Selection and Product Prototyping Prototyping Materials Modeling of Material Properties Modeling and Design of Materials and Structures Direct Digital Prototyping and Manufacturing Solid Models and Prototype Representation Reverse Engineering and Product Prototyping Prototyping and Manufacturing Using CNC Machining Fully Automated Digital Prototyping and Manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Processes Rapid Prototyping Overview Rapid Prototyping Procedure Liquid Based RP Part Solid Based RP Processes Powder Based RP Processes Summary and Future RP Processes Building A Prototype Using Off-the-Shelf Components How to Decide What to Purchase? How to Find the Catalogs that Have the Needed Components? How to Ensure that the Purchased Components Will Work Together? Tolerance Analysis Tolerance Stack Analysis Assembly Slacks Process Capability Statistical Tolerance Analysis Case Study: Conceptual Design of A Chamber Cover Prototyping of Automated Systems Actuators Sensors Controllers and Analyzers Mechanisms Using Prototypes for Product Assessment Introduction to Design of Experiments Orthogonal Arrays Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ANOVA Using Excel Quality Characteristic (QC) An Example: Optimization of A Prototype Laser Deposition Process Prototype Optimization Formulation of Engineering Problems for Optimization Optimization Using Differential Calculus Optimization Using Lagrange's Multiplier Method Optimization Using Microsoft Excel Case Study: Application of Optimization in Fixture Design Appendices