The NeXOS project aims to develop new multifunctional sensor systems supporting a number of scientific, technical and societal objectives, ranging from more precise monitoring and modelling of the marine environment to an improved management of fisheries. Several sensors will be developed, based on optical and passive acoustics technologies, addressing key environmental descriptors identified by the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for Good Environmental Status (GES). Two of the new sensors will also contribute to the European Union Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), with a focus on variables of interest to an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF). An objective is the improved cost-efficiency, from procurement to operations, via the implementation of several innovations, such as multiplatform integration, greater reliability through better antifouling management, greater sensor and data interoperability and the creation of market opportunities for European enterprises. Requirements will be further analysed for each new sensor system during the first phase of the project. Those will then be translated into engineering specifications, leading to the development phase. Sensors will then be tested, calibrated, integrated on several platform types, scientifically validated and demonstrated in the field. Translation to production and broad adoption are facilitated by participating industry. Overall, the paper presents an overview of the project objectives and plans for the next four years.
Tommy D. Dickey,et al.
Shedding new light on light in the ocean
Oliver Zielinski,et al.
Detecting marine hazardous substances and organisms: sensors for pollutants, toxins, and pathogens
FerryBox - application of continuous water quality observations along transects in the North Sea
Tommy D. Dickey,et al.
Emerging ocean observations for interdisciplinary data assimilation systems
Rodney M. Forster,et al.
Sensors for observing ecosystem status
Patrice Woerther,et al.
The Recopesca project: a new example of participative approach to collect in-situ environmental and fisheries data using fisheries vessels of opportunity