Real time implementation of path planning algorithm with obstacle avoidance for autonomous vehicle

Determination of a suitable path for a robot that is collision free between the initial and end positions through a workspace in the presence of obstacles is challenging for Autonomous Robot design. In this paper, we presenta prototype of an Autonomous Mobile Robot that finds the optimal path using Google navigation to navigate in a realtime environment. However, Google Maps or Google Navigation do not provide realtime obstacles at the current time, so it is also important to know about the obstacles in realtime and to avoid them. The Robot that we have designed consists of two sections, one is mobile Robot and other is workstation. The function of workstation is to interact with Google Maps and obtain multiple ways to reach the destination, it also finds optimal way from multiple ways and instruct Robot to follow that route. The Robot will be given a target location using GPS Coordinates and Robot has to find its way from current position to target by finding the optimal path and avoiding obstacles and finding its way even inside the building.