Potential natural enemies of the invasive rugose spiraling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin in India

A invasive rugose spiraling whitefly (RSW) Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was found infesting coconut, banana, custard apple and several ornamental plants in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala for the first time in India. The identity of the pest species was determined through morphological and molecular tools. Furthermore cytochrome c oxidase-I gene (658 bp) of RSW was sequenced (GenBank accession number KY209909) which would serve as an ideal molecular diagnostic marker for its identification irrespective of its phenotypic plasticity. During the survey, several natural enemies were recorded and maximum parasitism was recorded by Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and its COI gene was sequenced and deposited as Encarsia sp. (GenBank accession number KY223606). Per cent parasitism ranged from 20.0 to 60.0 % in different collection locations, highest parasitism being recorded in Kerala as compared to other states. The predators recorded were Mallada sp., few coccinellids and predatory mites. This communication is the first report of the rugose spiraling whitefly, its host plant range and associated natural enemies in India.