Low-area hardware implementations of CLOC, SILC and AES-OTR

The most compact implementation of the AES-128 algorithm was the 8-bit serial circuit proposed in the work of Moradi et. al. (Eurocrypt 2011). The circuit has an 8-bit datapath and occupies area equivalent to around 2400 GE. Since many authenticated encryption modes use the AES-128 algorithm as the underlying block cipher, we investigate if they can be implemented in a compact fashion using the 8-bit serialized AES circuit. In this context we investigate three authenticated encryption modes CLOC, SILC and AES-OTR. Using the standard cell library of the STM 90nm process, we implemented CLOC and SILC with around 3110 GE whereas AES-OTR was implemented with around 4720 GE.