Ternary events originating from the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon, studied by using the multidetector array CHIMERA at LNS Catania, have been collected in almost complete 2π range of the forward hemisphere of CHIMERA thus extending the angular range of our previously reported preliminary data. Energy- and time calibrations for heavy fragments at large angles were supplemented with an analysis of coincidence events of binary strongly damped reactions. Contrary to the previous preliminary results, the new complete data clearly show presence of sequential fission processes in which one of Au-like nuclei undergoes fission after re-separation of the primary binary system. Mechanism of these two types of reactions observed in our data, sequential fission reactions and prompt ternary processes, are presently studied using comparisons with predictions of the stochastic BNV model of Baran, Colonna and Di Toro and the QMD model of Łukasik.