MOOving towards a virtual reference service
Using the Internet and a software development program called LambdaMOO, it is possible to create a text-based and real-lime virtual reality for multiple users. In such a virtual reality, many simultaneous users can logon and communicate with each other, interact with programmed objects, and move around a virtual landscape (generically called a MOO). While, in the past, these kinds of virtual realities have been dominated by dungeons and dragons, some MOOS are now attempting to model more serious work communities for their users. As a result, virtual libraries, in various stages of development, already exist and continue to grow. Accessible through the Internet, these virtual libraries offer the reference librarian an early glimpse at the future of Internet reference services. This article tours the reader through a MOO, examines three virtual libraries, and explains the use of a dictionary. MOO objects, applications, and potential in the virtual library are discussed along with sample logs and explanation...