Discrepancy between microsphere and diffusible tracer estimates of perfusion to ischemic myocardium.

This study critically tests the ability of microspheres to accurately measure perfusion to ischemic myocardium. The left anterior descending coronary artery was cannulated and perfused with arterial blood. The perfusion line was clamped, and a sidearm between the clamp and the cannula was opened to the atmosphere, allowing blood to flow retrograde from the distal segment of the artery. Measurement of regional blood flow during retrograde flow diversion with 15-micron microspheres revealed essentially zero flow to the perfused segment (0.005 ml X min-1 X g-1). Measurements under the same conditions by either 86Rb uptake or 133Xe washout revealed that an appreciable perfusion of the tissue persisted during retrograde flow diversion (0.043 and 0.11 ml X min-1 X g-1, respectively, for the 2 methods). Thus we have identified a condition during which microspheres indicate zero flow to the tissue but diffusible tracers can both be washed in and washed out at a brisk rate. We conclude that with simple occlusion there is a hidden component of perfusion to an ischemic zone that cannot be measured by microspheres, causing them to underestimate flow by about 25% in that condition.