Regional shopping centres : out-of-town versus in-town
Part 1 Introduction: perspectives and issues plan of the study. Part 2 Shopping centre developments: in-town shopping centres out-of-town shopping centres. Part 3 Shopping centres of Tyneside: shopping developments in Tyne & Wear the Eldon Square shopping centre the Metro centre. Part 4 Shopping behaviour and images: conceptual models shopper characteristics retail outlet influences shopping behaviour and psychological influences impact studies. Part 5 The Eldon Metro study: sampling and interviewing methodology measurement of shopping centre image classification and analysis. Part 6 The two centres compared: comparison of image profiles individual attribute ratings compliments and criticims. Part 7 Image structures of the centres: principal components analyses relationships with overall images breakdown of factor scores. Part 8 Determinants of shopper behaviour: measures of patronage shopping patterns determinants of patronage. Part 9 Conclusions of implications: implications of theory and research implications for practitioners.