Observations and model calculations of trace gas scavenging in a dense Saharan dust plume during MINATROC

An intensive field measurement campaign was performed in July/August 2002 at the Global Atmospheric Watch station Izaon Tenerife to study the interaction of mineral dust aerosol and tropospheric chemistry (MINA- TROC). A dense Saharan dust plume, with aerosol masses exceeding 500µg m 3 , persisted for three days. During this dust event strongly reduced mixing ratios of ROx (HO2, CH3O2 and higher organic peroxy radicals), H2O2, NOx (NO and NO2) and O3 were observed. A chemistry boxmodel, constrained by the measurements, has been used to study gas phase and heterogeneous chemistry. It appeared to be diffi- cult to reproduce the observed HCHO mixing ratios with the model, possibly related to the representation of precursor gas concentrations or the absence of dry deposition. The model calculations indicate that the reduced H2O2 mixing ratios in the dust plume can be explained by including the heteroge- neous removal reaction of HO2 with an uptake coefficient of 0.2, or by assuming heterogeneous removal of H2O2 with an accommodation coefficient of 5◊10 4 . However, these het- erogeneous reactions cannot explain the low ROx mixing ra- tios observed during the dust event. Whereas a mean daytime net ozone production rate (NOP) of 1.06 ppbv/hr occurred throughout the campaign, the reduced ROx and NOx mix- ing ratios in the Saharan dust plume contributed to a reduced NOP of 0.14-0.33 ppbv/hr, which likely explains the rela- tively low ozone mixing ratios observed during this event.

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