Game of questionnairesin a gamification application
This final project has focused on the improvement of an existing application called Classpip, which has been developed by several students of this faculty (EETAC). This application has as its main objective the gamification, which consists of using the techniques and elements of the games (points, objectives ...) to promote and increase the learning of the students using technology.For this, some predefined languages were chosenand an architecturewas created,which consists of a mobile application for the student to play, with anadministrationpanel for the teacher, in which theycan configure the differentmodules of the application. These two blocks are fed from a database based on REST-API.The main objectives of this project can be defined as:Modify and improve a current first version of a questionnaire module,which does not have great functionality or playability for students. That is why I have the freewayto develop, implement or modify any functionality.Provide help to the future developers. These aids consist of, from helping them understand my code by providing them with a video tutorial where I talk about it, to help them to be productive as soon as possible, making an example of how a functionality couldbe implemented inthe application.Finally, a much more improved version has been achieved than the current one, which has many open lines because there are configured parameters that are not used. Therefore, the open lines can be considered to be started and marked.