Hardware description languages in France

Most French manufacturers have been using computer languages to describe logic circuits and microprograms and to simulate them in order to check out computer designs. Several languages have been developed at the Compagnie des Machines Bull1 and at the Compagnie C.A.E.2 More recently, the Compagnie Telemecanique Electrique has developed a macrolanguage for describing and generating microprogram sequences. This microprogram macroassembler is coupled with a simulation module which allows the designers to check out microprograms. Such tools have also been developed by other companies such as Intertechnique (to allow its users to design their own microprograms on the MULTI 8), by the Honeywell Bull Company, and by the CII. At the same time, more ambitious languages have been developed: CASSANDRE at Grenoble University and CRISSMASS at the SEMA Company. CASSANDRE has been implemented at several universities (Berlin University, Pisa University, Weismann Institute). There are about twelve users now in France. This paper introduces briefly the languages used at the CII and on CASSANDRE.