The present study explores how online communities affect real-world personal relations based on a cross-cultural survey conducted in Japan and Korea. Findings indicate that the gratifications of online communities moderate the effects of online communities on social participation. Online communities are categorized into a real-group-based community and a virtual-network-based community. The membership of real-group-based online community is positively correlated with social bonding gratification and negatively correlated with information- seeking gratification. Japanese users prefer more virtual-network-based online communities, while their Korean counterparts prefer real-group-based online communities. Korean users are more active in online communities and seek a higher level of socializing gratifications, such as social bonding and making new friends, when compared with their Japanese counterparts. These results indicate that in Korea, personal relations via the online community are closely associated with the real-world personal relations, but this is not the case in Japan. This study suggests that the effects of the Internet are culture-specific and that the online community can serve a different function in different cultural environments.
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Internet uses and gratifications: A survey in the Indian context
Comput. Hum. Behav..
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A comparative study of media cultures among Taiwanese and Japanese youth
Telematics Informatics.
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The New Japan – Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes
Kenichi Ishii.
Implications of Mobility: The Uses of Personal Communication Media in Everyday Life
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