Kellogg activities during January to March 1981 included continued monitoring of the test operations at the BI-GAS, Westinghouse and Exxon plant sites. Peat gasification laboratory tests were monitored along with modification of Hygas pilot plant for testing of the Peatgas process. Testing at Rockwell ended during June 1980 and testing at Bell was suspended by DOE during July 1980. Pilot plant/PDU test runs monitored and reported were: BI-GAS Tests G-16 and G-16A, Westinghouse test runs TP-M001-1, 2, 3 and 4, Exxon test runs 25, 26 and 27, and single-stage fluidized bed peat gasification tests BF-7 through BF-12. Kellogg continued their participation in Metals Properties Council activities. The final report on the Westinghouse Risk Analysis (Kellogg Task 08) was approved by DOE and is ready for publication. Substantial progress was made on other listed Kellogg tasks. Work continued on subtasks involving Hygas and Peatgas data base evaluations, to incorporate in the draft reports the additional information and comments obtained from IGT.