Economic Comparison of Scheduled and Unscheduled Photovoltaic Systems: Case Study of Xi’an Jiaotong University Library

Solar energy, a clean energy with a high utilization value, is an important pillar of the future energy structure. The photovoltaic industry, as the core of the solar energy industry, has attracted the attention of governments and enterprises in various countries. The application of solar photovoltaic energy has become crucial in the design of green buildings. A photovoltaic power generation system is divided into off-grid and grid-connected systems. The grid-connected photovoltaic system can be further divided into scheduled and unscheduled photovoltaic systems depending on the energy storage equipment. On the basis of the current technical level and cost of photovoltaic systems, this work uses Xi’an Jiaotong University Library as an example. The economy of scheduled and unscheduled photovoltaic systems is compared through investigation and calculation. Keywords—photovoltaic system; scheduled photovoltaic system; unscheduled photovoltaic system