Fusion Methods for Time-Series Classification

History UPDATE 1 (18 AUG 2011) – Updated according to the formatting requests of the publisher (Peter Lang Verlag), e.g. Abstract and Erklärung are deleted, etc. UPDATE 2 (27 AUG 2011) – Updated based on native-English proofreading. Acknowledgments It is hardly possible to recollect the names of all the persons who directly or indirectly inspired my research through discussions, conference talks, or in an other way. Therefore, the acknowledgments below are limited to the persons I directly cooperated with, who advised me, co-authored papers, with whom I had focused discussions on the topics related to my thesis. First of all, I would like to thank to my supervisior, Lars Schmidt-Thieme in whose group I could spend four fruitful years at the University of Hildesheim. I acknowledge him for advising my work, for all the research talks, and his comments and suggestions. I would like to acknowledge Alexandros Nanopoulos for co-supervising my thesis. I thank him for his comments, remarks and suggestions on the papers we wrote. I would like to acknowledge all my co-authors, especially Tomas Horváth for his remarks on the GRAMOFON framework. I would like to thank to Leandro Balby Marinho with whom we worked together on ontology induction, Philipp Cimiano and Sebastian Blohm with whom we explored relation extraction from natural language texts, Lucas Drumond and Timo Reuter furthermore Claudio Guiliano and Lorenza Romano with whom we developed clustering methods for images (according to events) and web pages (according to persons) respectively. I would like to thank to Christine Preisach and Andre Busche for the beautiful years we worked together on the X-Media project, in which we explored aeroplane vibration analysis. I would like to thank to Julia Koller for the discussions about electrocardio-graph (ECG) signals and their medical applications. Last, but not least, I would like to acknowledge Jessica Faruque for careful proofreading and helping me with the " secrets " of the English language. Finally, I thank to all the persons who indirectly inspired my work.

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