Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Meningkatan kompetensi CAD dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning ; (2) Mengetahui bentuk model pembelajaran Project Based Learning yang mampu meningkatkan kompetensi TGM sistem CAD. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XI TP 3 sebanyak 32 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, penilaian kompetensi proyek, dan dokumentasi. Teknik penilaian yang diterapkan pada penelitian yaitu penilaian berbasis produk yang didasarkan pada poses dan hasil tugas proyek yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.  Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah: (1) Terjadi peningkatan kompetensi pada siklus II (tindakan 2): 0,8%, siklus III (tindakan 1 ): 4,01%, siklus III (tindakan 2): 2,0%. Adapun peningkatan rata-rata nilai total kompetensi kelas dari siklus I - siklus III yaitu 2,24%. Selain itu jumlah peserta didik yang mampu mencapai standar kompetensi pada tiap siklusnya selalu mengalami peningkatan. (2) Bentuk model pembelajaran Project-Based Learnin g yang dilakukan yaitu: (a) Perencanaan proyek (b) Penyampaian materi pembelajaran (c) Pengorganisasian kelas (d) Pertanyaan inti proyek (e) Aturan pengerjaan proyek. (f) Pembuatan jadwal penyelesaian proyek (g) Monitoring pekerjaan dan kemajuan proyek (h) Penilaian (i) Evaluasi. This research aims to: (1) Improve the CAD competence by the implementation of Project Based Learning model for XI grade student of mechanical program at SMK 2 Yogyakarta; (2) Determine the form of Project Based Learning model which could improve the students competence in  technical drawing by CAD systems. Data were collected by means of  observation, project competency assessment, and documentation. Assesment techniques being applied was product based assessment which was based on process and the results of project tasks. Results of this action research were: (1) There is a competence improvement in cycle II (action 1) for 0,8%; in cycle III (action 1) for 4,01%; in cycle III (action 2) for 2,0%. The total improvement of average class-competence rating in the first to third cycle are 2,24%. Number of students who comply with the competence standard continue to increase in each cycle. (2) The Project-Based Learning model was done with the following procedures: (a) Project planning (b) The delivery of teaching materials (c) Class organizing (d) The main question of the project (e) Project rules (f) Scheduling the project (g) Monitoring the work in progress (h) Assessment (i) Evaluation.