Shoreline Modeling System (SMS) (User's Guide) (Shore Protection and Restoration Program)
Abstract : This report documents a microcomputer-based software package (SHORELINE MODELING SYSTEM) that contains a collection of generalized computer programs assembled to enable the user to perform complete longshore sediment transport processes and shoreline evolution assessments. This software package was developed at the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) to facilitate the technology transfer of recently developed coastal engineering tools throughout the Corps. The modeling system is presently comprised of two major numerical models (RCPWAVE and GENESIS) packaged together with more than 15 system support programs. The system support programs automate the data analysis and input data generation tasks necessary to execute RCPWAVE and GENESIS in design-oriented applications. Technical documentation with example applications of each of the computer programs and numerical models is provided in the GENESIS report series (CERC-89-19, Reports 1 and 2). This report provides general instructions for the operation of the SHORELINE MODELING SYSTEM and outlines the capabilities of the individual components contained in the system. Numerical model, Shoreline change model, Numerical modeling system, Wave transformation, Shoreline change.