원격조종 콘크리트 표면절삭 장비를 위한 머신비전 기반 품질관리 시스템

Concrete surface grinding is frequently used for flatness of concrete surface, concrete pavement rehabilitation, and adhesiveness in pavement construction. The procedure is, however, labor intensive and has a hazardous work condition. Also, the productivity and the quality of concrete surface grinding highly depend on the skills of worker. Thus, the development of remote controlled concrete surface grinding equipment is necessary to prevent the environmental pollution and to protect the workers from hazardous work condition. However, it is difficult to evaluate the grinded surface objectively in a remote controlled system. Also, The machine vision system developed in. this study takes the images of grinded surface with the network camera for image processing. Then, by representing the quality test results to the integrated program of the remote control station, the quality control system is constructed. The machine vision algorithm means the image processing algorithm of grinded concrete surface and this paper presents the objective quality control standard of grinded concrete surface through the application of the suggested algorithm.