In this second part of our inquiry into the relation between information and cognition, we delve into the physical limits of the manifestation of an arbitrary object first with independence of any observer, then considering the nature of perception. The analysis of the manifestations of an object in a homogeneous environment by means of wave phenomena shows that the information carried by such manifestations offers a constitutive fuzziness and ambiguity of the observed object. On the one hand, the details that can be specified concerning the object are strictly limited by the wave length; on the other hand, the volumetric details of the object (i.e. its bowls) are outlawed to the observer, not in virtue of the object opacity, but to the very dimension or complexity of the wave phenomenon in the space surrounding the object. The analysis of perception, considering this physical boundary and the specificity of the animal sensitivity, shows the combined role of other concurrent or previous percept and some a priori knowledge in the perception and awareness of reality.
R. Kress,et al.
Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory
Vincent Hayward,et al.
Force can overcome object geometry in the perception of shape through active touch
Volker Schönefeld.
Spherical Harmonics
An Introduction to Radio Astronomy.
S. A. Schelkunoff,et al.
Some equivalence theorems of electromagnetics and their application to radiation problems
Gabriel Robles-De-La-Torre,et al.
The importance of the sense of touch in virtual and real environments
IEEE MultiMedia.
J. Bekenstein.
Information in the holographic universe.
C.E. Shannon,et al.
Communication in the Presence of Noise
Proceedings of the IRE.