Hypersonic Three-Dimensional Viscous Shock-Layer Flows over Blunt Bodies

The viscous shock-layer equations have been extended to treat blunt three-dimensional bodies at angle of attack. Numerical solutions have been obtained on sphere-cones at angles of attack up to 38 deg. Comparisons are made with available experimental data, inviscid solutions, and solutions of the parabolized Navier-Stokes equations. The experimental data consisted of heat-transfer distributions, pressure distributions, and drag coefficients in a Mach number range from 10-18, Reynolds numbers of the order 1.3 x 10 4/ft, and a from 0-40 deg. Two cases were compared with the parabolized Navier-Stokes solutions at Mach numbers of 22.77 and 25.81 and altitudes of 180 and 240 kft at angles of attack of 23 and 38 deg, respectively. In general, the shocklayer predictions were in good agreement with the available experimental and numerical data, but the parabolic treatment of the crossflow viscous shock-layer equations prevented solutions on the leeward side of long bodies at large angles of attack. cp C'