Virtual university–a vehicle for development, cooperation and internationalisation in teaching and learning

The paper discusses the approaches of virtual university strategies and developments in Europe. The discussion is partly based on the work done in the Activity 5 in the EU Thematic Network E4 and partly to the experiences gained through the activities of EUNITE virtual university network of six European universities. Based on our experience we see, that e-learning and virtual university approach can be used for renewal of teaching and learning, both on and off campus. Just three years ago, universities seemed mainly to aim only to develop on campus teaching and learning through ICT. Lately, the use of e-learning as a tool for international cooperation and for virtual mobility (Virtual Erasmus) has started to develop through the activities of the European Union e-learning programmes and through the activities of some European university networks, like EUNITE. To promote virtual universities and e-learning, commitment and actions at all levels from EU to individual institutions are needed.